Now in its forty sixth year, the annual Paniyiri Festival is an opportunity to not only showcase what the Greek community is all about, but it also serves to unite all of the first, second and even third generation Greeks who call Brisbane home. This is particularly relevant considering that the majority of Queensland’s Greek community all stem from a wide variety of the Greek Islands, each with their own unique take on what it means to be Greek.
In addition, the Paniyiri Festival is also the primary fundraising event for Brisbane’s Greek Club, who allocate a significant portion of the donations towards respite care of the elderly members of the local Greek community. The regular events, weekly social outings and transport assistance provided by the Greek Club would not be possible without Paniyiri sponsors like Madd Loans, who form an integral part of this community based initiative.
Ultimately, the Paniyiri Festival is a community initiative of the 25, 000 strong Greek locals of South East Queensland. Funds raised are channeled back into the community via the Greek Orthodox Community of St George, Brisbane, as well as Madd Loans alone raising over $25, 000 each year specifically to donate to the communities that reside on the smallest of the Greek Islands on the other side of the world. As a means to showcase and celebrate the Greek community, Madd Loans are major sponsors of the Paniyiri Festival and are proud to be a part of its ongoing evolution.